Health & Safety

One of the essential values that Access Platforms Aberdeen holds is that all adverse events are preventable. Therefore our principal objective is ensuring the personal health, safety and welfare of all our employees and other parties who may be exposed to risks associated with our activities, and equipment, including clients and the general public. The mainstay of our safety management system is the application of modern risk management techniques.

Access Platforms Aberdeen

  • is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our employees as far as is reasonably practical, and;
  • extends that same commitment to those personnel who are not employed by the company who may be affected by our acts or omissions;
  • will not accept anything less than full compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation;
  • requires and expects all levels of management and supervision to actively initiate and pursue ways and means of making the working environment as safe and healthy as possible;
  • believes that everyone is jointly responsible for the reduction of workplace accidents, injury and reduced productivity due to failures in the control of Health and Safety. The Company believes that active participation of all members of staff is essential to maintain the highest standards of Health, Safety and Welfare, therefore reducing the incidence of injury to the lowest reasonably practicable;
  • will provide and maintain healthy and safe working conditions and a suitable environment for all personnel involved in its activities;
  • will appoint competent personnel to assist in meeting our statutory duties;
  • employees will be given such information, instructions and training as is necessary to enable work activities to be undertaken giving due consideration to health and safety, this will include employees identifying safe methods of work and changes that affect existing risk assessments;
  • will ensure all customers will be offered such information and instructions to enable safe operation of hired equipment and, where applicable, training will be arranged;
  • will ensure that all equipment provided for hire is inspected, maintained, tested and fit for purpose.

Access Platforms Aberdeen will strive to continually improve its safety performance and will carry out an annual review of our safety management system.

— Robert Petrie, Managing Director
Health & Safety Policy

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